A Technological Company that May Be a Potential Macro Hedge on Inflation

2 min readMay 25, 2021

As times go by, a lot of things have already been invented in this modern era. One of the few things is the invention of a technological company that offers certain people a convenient and safe way to provide funds for the cryptocurrencies that empower decentralized finance (Defi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). sponsored post. This technological company is days away from going public and may have a mouth-watering valuation with similar upside potential to that of coinbase in 2013. This is due to their using Proof of Stake (PoS) technology and exposure to the enormous, generational promise of DeFi and NFTs (1). Have you ever heard of the word Proof of Stake (PoS)? Glad to share these insights I found out today!

One of the biggest benefits for this technological company is PoS mining. This PoS mining is way more environmentally friendly than the typical crypto-mining. With climate change now considered a climate emergency, this is a huge deal. Check the disclaimer on my profile. Through that, we can say that proof of stake offers dramatically better economics than traditional crypto-mining (2) Click Here for More Info on Staking and Know More about The Benefits of this Technological Company

Technological company can be a macro financial tool against inflation. The economic crisis that we have experienced has led central banks around the world, particularly in the USA, to print money like there will be no money in the future. By grabbing these opportunities, it can help to combat the effects of high unemployment and shutdowns that may cause a long-term negative impact to the economy. As the assets are stored in digital currencies, this technological company has a potential importance and provides potential shareholders with diversified holdings. Lastly, it is perfect for those who want exposure to DeFi and NFTs, without the burden of purchasing, managing, and securing digital assets themselves. These innovations are brilliant! Let’s take a close watch into this!

Source 1: https://www.tokens.com/investors-presentation

Source 2: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/proof-stake-pos.asp

